race: Ishgardian elezen
age: 25
orientation: homosexual • single
occupation: 'paranormal' investigator • certified exorcist
distinct features: gold capped canines • tired eyes • soft spoken
usual attire: tinted shades • casual and warm • lowborn quality
A brief Historya lowborn from a family of apothecaries, Judasoix' life was rather fortunate in his early years for living a relatively comfortable life, equivalent to a non-existent middle-class. Studious until his later teens, his life took a turn for the worse and seemed to only spiral downhill until having a powerful 'spiritual' experience which turned his life for the better, at least in his eyes.Nowadays he is dedicated to his work, but what exactly it is varies from each person he comes across, given the strange nature of it and typically chalked up to being 'hogwash'.
The Tenth ChoirThe name displayed on his business card, 'The Tenth Choir', is Judasoix' paranormal investigation business. They are run out of an abandoned building in the Brume (squatting) which doubles as his speakeasy named 'High Spirits'. Specializing in exorcisms, protective wards, and communication with those not yet passed to the aetherical sea.

• Ghosts, voidsent, aetherical disturbances. Need an extra magically inclined individual for paranormal needs? He is on call.
• Ishgardian local, see him around the city indulging in some type of vice, be it drinking or smoking.. a favored sort in the Brume.
• Scholasticate dropout, fellow Ishgardians may have attended class with him, recognize him for his undoubted intellect though inability to dedicate properly to the studies.
• Proprietor of substances for use recreationally? An enthusiast of drugs and various mind numbing or enhancing potions? He is always inclined for a fix, or may have some to offer, for the right trade.
• Any and all, if not interested in Ishgardian RP, he can be flexible given his rebellious and impulsive nature.
• Player is 21+, please be truthful and only interact with me if you are an adult as well.
• PST timezone, typically on later in the evenings any day of the week.
• Up for all themes, including ERP. If you are not comfortable with anything, we can move past it.
• Keep IC separate from OOC.
• Discord available on necessity.